Photography by Jeffrey Fiterman
Clueless Filmmakers Pictured Right to Left: Alicia Ho, Ray Ho, Piper Ho, Saige Spinney, Chuti Tiu, Matt Falletta, Josh Logan, Sheila Swanson, Judy Farrell, Joe Bratcher, Clarissa Jacobson, Amelia Allwarden, Zoe (super clueless).
A clueless group of filmmakers have been duped into heading to Flickers' Rhode Island International Film Festival by the recently Delaware incorporated Lunch Ladies Catering Service.* Apparently, the Lunch Ladies had some "special" pot pies they needed to move fast and decided to dump them on Rhode Island.
The Filmmakers bought it hook, line and sinker:
Seretta, relaxing in an eel-infested cesspool/hot tub in their backyard: "It was so easy. First we loaded up their car with the "special" pot pies while they were away at that networking event about how to network in Hollywood without networking. What we did next was golden."
LouAnne, relaxing next to her, petting a particularly friendly eel that came up to enjoy the conversation, continued: "We told them that millions of dollars, a three picture movie deal and an Oscar nomination awaited them if they went. Suckers!"
*Check out the video below to see how clueless they really are!
Details on when the Lunch Ladies screen coming soon.
Directed/Edited/Filmed by Jamie Sutor, Music by Bev Nero
Flickers' Rhode Island International Film Festival is now in its 22nd year and is ranked as one of the top 10 U.S. festivals. It is New England’s only Academy Award-qualifying festival and runs from August 7-12 in Providence.
Follow Rhode Island Int'l Film Fest at:
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